Herbal Ley
Clover-Free ‘Cut and Gaze’

Cutting Suitability:
Grazing Suitability:
4 - 7 Years
Introduce the natural health benefits of a multi-species herbal ley into your rotation. Highly palatable and nutritious herbal varieties have been blended with a rich variety of grass species to create a ley that continues to offer stock elevated levels of vitamins and minerals all season long. Deep rooting varieties improve soil structure and scavenge nutrients from the subsoil, replenishing minerals and trace elements. Nitrogen fixing legumes aid soil fertility and animal health benefits are in abundance with anti-bloat and natural worming properties. Our herbal ley has been designed to be compliant with both “Growing the Environment” (Wal) and “The Sustainable Farming Incentive” (Eng). We also have a mixture to comply with “Countryside Stewardship GS24 Herb and Legume Rich Sward”.
Unlock the natural potential of your land with herbal leys.